The James Family Prescott YMCA Gymnastics department strives to build the Spirit, Mind, and Body of all athletes by using the four YMCA core values: Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. We foster the individual as well as the team as we work to provide a safe, fun and supportive atmosphere in which we train athletes, the leaders of tomorrow. We wish to have all members learn to build a balance in their lives between gymnastics, school, family and other activities.
The goal of the James Family Prescott YMCA is to provide a fun, safe and supportive learning environment for its members and staff. The primary focus is to develop the technique of all of its young gymnasts. As the gymnast progresses, she/he will be introduced to endurance training and goal setting. Each gymnast will be offered, to the best of the coaches’ abilities, the possibility of achieving their personal goals in gymnastics. Gymnastics practice and competition in meets is optional and at no time will a gymnast be made to feel uncomfortable for choosing not to participate in a practice or meet. If a gymnast takes time off to participate in another sport, they may return to gymnastics at any time. Gymnastics is a progression of skills and technique so continuous participation is recommended. Please notify the gymnastics department if you will be unable to participate for an extended time.
Character Counts - Values to Live by for YMCA Youth Sports
- Caring
- Putting others before yourself
- Be thoughtful, considerate and helpful to others on your team

- Thank your coaches and meet officials
- Tell your family you appreciate their support
- Honesty
- To tell the truth
- Follow the rules
- Always set a good example by what you say and do
- Be fair to other gymnasts
- Respect
- To treat others as you would have them treat you
- Appreciate your coach
- Be considerate and polite to the officials
- Be a good listener & always be thoughtful of others
- Responsibility
- To do what you should
- Be on time to practices & meets
- Always give your best effort
- Keep your practice and meet site clean and free of litter
Our goal for each athlete is:
- To gain self confidence
- To learn to be a team player
- To learn to be competitive and have fun at the same time
- To learn from successes and failures
- To learn to budget free time wisely
- To learn to have fun in a safe, educational program
Athlete Pledge
I pledge, win or lose, to practice/compete to the best of my ability. To be a good sport, to listen to my coach, to help when asked, to be honest, to be caring, to take responsibility, and to be respectful at all times.
Coach Expectations of Athletes
- Be present at the appropriate number of practices per week
- Get your school work done, on time. Don’t let things pile up.
- Eat healthy and get enough sleep. Stay hydrated throughout the day.
- Arrive early to practice and meets.
- Be honest.
- Be responsible for yourself.
- Do not talk when the coaches are talking.
- Try your best at everything that is asked of you.
- Encourage each other every day.
- Be respectful of everyone around you (peers, coaches, officials, parents)
- Good nutrition is the key to a healthy athlete. Well-balanced meals throughout the week are vital, as is staying well hydrated.
- The night before meets, athletes should be fed a high carbohydrate and protein meal. Good sources of carbs are: pastas, rice, breads and fruits. Protein sources that should be considered are: meats, dairy, beans, eggs and grains.
- The day of the meet, sweets, heavy foods, and carbonated drinks should be avoided at all costs. Good snacks are: Bagel and cream cheese, cereal bars, granola bars, muffins and Gatorade to drink.
- Fast food should be avoided at all costs on meet days.
- Spread carbohydrate intake out over the course of the day (smaller meals and frequent snacks). This keeps your blood sugar levels adequate and stable.
Bill of Rights for Youth Athletes
- Right to participate in sports.
- Right to participate at a level commensurate with maturity and ability.
- Right to have qualified adult leadership.
- Right to play as a child and not as an adult.
- Right of children to share in the leadership and decision-making of their sports participation.
- Right to participate in a safe and healthy environment.
- Right to proper preparation for participation in sports.
- Right to an equal opportunity to strive for success.
- Right to be treated with dignity.
- Right to have fun in sports.